After 'Blacklist Laal Singh Chaddha' moved on Twitter, Aamir Khan guarded his case. Kareena Kapoor Khan, then again, addressed about ageism and other squeezing matters. In the midst of the issues that the film is as of now getting fire for, Mona Singh playing a mother in the film has likewise worked up discussions via online entertainment. Aamir, in a new collaboration, legitimized Mona playing a mother Laal Singh Chaddha and said that is the magnificence of an entertainer where one can have any impact, any age and look genuine.
Mona Singh assumes the part of a mother in Laal Singh Chaddha. The entertainer collaborated with Aamir Khan for the second time after 2009 blockbuster, 3 Idiots. Mona plays a youthful Laal's mom in the film. For the equivalent, netizens savaged Aamir and Mona's age distinction on Twitter. During a cooperation, Aamir protected Mona against the savages. He said, "I need to pose you an inquiry that as an entertainer, as an imaginative individual, assuming I'm looking 103, which I should, for what reason is my age unseemly to assume the part? Since I am 57? What is the rationale? Age explicit kya hota hai entertainer ke liye? Entertainer ka toh yeh kamaal hota hai ke woh kuch bhi age ka ho aur kuch bhi age lage. (It is the excellence of the entertainer to look any age on screen regardless of their genuine age being unique.)"
He further added, "Yeh toh Mona Singh ka kamaal hai.Poke aap dekhoge toh aapko lagega ke badi youthful slack rahi hai, phir aapko lagega ke yeh toh badi old bhi dikh rahi hai. (At the point when you will Mona Singh in the film then you will understand her brightness. At a certain point you will feel she is looking exceptionally youthful, while at some other point she is looking old too)."
Aamir Khan has likewise responded to the progressing 'Blacklist Laal Singh Chaddha' pattern on Twitter. He said, "OK, I feel miserable. Additionally, I feel miserable that a portion of individuals who are saying this, in their heart, they accept that I am somebody who could do without India. In their souls they accept, however it is false. Maybe lamentable certain individuals have that impression. That is not the situation. Kindly don't blacklist my film. Kindly watch my film."